LAAS Membership Application
Application Form
1. Please select the membership tier list below and whether or not you want the Griffith Observer upgrade.
2. Fill out the Application form and submit payment (PayPal or Credit Card).
3. Your application will be reviewed by the LAAS Board of Directors during their monthly meeting, typically held each month. There may be a delay of up to 4 weeks between submission of your application and notification of your membership. No previous astronomy experience necessary.
Membership Benefits
Founded in 1926, the LAAS is one of the oldest and largest amateur astronomical societies in the United States.
As a member, you will be able to participate in the following activities:
Monthly Member Meetings:
These are held at the Griffith Observatory and often feature talks on astronomy, space, etc. Attending our meetings is a great way to meet other members and keep abreast of LAAS activities.
“Garvey Nights” - Garvey Ranch Wednesday Nights:
Every Wednesday from 7:30-10 PM, our 8” refracting telescope in the dome is generally open for public viewing (weather permitting). You can also take your scope here to learn how to use it correctly.
Dark Sky and Family Nights:
The LAAS Steve Kufeld Astronomical Site (SKAS) in the Lockwood Valley near Frazier Park is available to LAAS members and their guests for Dark Sky Nights (typically the weekend closest to the new moon), summer Family Nights, and special events. Located approximately 90 miles from the Los Angeles basin, the sky is dark enough to clearly see the Milky Way.
Public Star Parties:
These occur the weekend after the Dark Sky Night at the Griffith Observatory from 2-10 PM. LAAS members bring their telescopes and set them up on the lawn outside of the observatory for the general public. This is a great way to educate the public on astronomy and share our enthusiasm.
Astronomy Outreach Program:
The LAAS hosts Star Parties for schools, youth programs, and other community events. The outreach program is especially active with area schools, with several events scheduled each month. We always need LAAS members, of ANY skill or knowledge level, so please contact the Outreach Coordinator at Outreach@laas.org if you are interested.
Mt. Wilson 60” Star Party Nights:
The LAAS organizes Mt. Wilson 60” Star Party Nights where members can spend an evening with 20 fellow members, looking though the 60” reflecting telescope. The scope provides unprecedented views of the universe that are unavailable to the public at large and not even experienced by most amateur astronomers.
Other Benefits:
+ LAAS Monthly Bulletin
The LAAS Monthly Bulletin is available to all members via e-mail and is also posted on the LAAS website (laas.org). The bulletin is full of articles from members about astronomy, pictures taken by members, as well as important announcements about various society activities.
+ The Griffith Observer
The Griffith Observer is a monthly publication from the Griffith Observatory that has many interesting articles of astronomical nature, as well as dates of interest. It is available to LAAS members for $10/year (normal subscription is $30/year).
+ NASA’s Night Sky Network (NSN)
Membership on NASA’s Night Sky Network (NSN) - The NSN is a national registry of astronomy clubs in the United States created by NASA/JPL. Once you register on NSN, you will have access to countless astronomy resources, educational information, view monthly webinars presented by NASA mission leaders and scientists, and be able to view all upcoming club events on our club’s calendar on the site.
+ Social Media
On-line discussion groups (limited to LAAS members) provide a forum to participate in a variety of astronomy-related topics, ranging from opinions on telescope eyepieces, sharing photos of the night sky, dark sky sites for camping, black holes, new comets, rocket launches, etc.
- Public Facebook
- LAAS Members-only Facebook
- YouTube
+ Being Part of a Community
Perhaps the most important benefit of membership is joining the community of people who enjoy the same pursuit of astronomy. All members are encouraged to attend and play an active role in public star parties held regularly at Griffith Observatory and the dark-sky observing as well. Beginners are especially encouraged to ask questions and our advanced members are encouraged to answer them. The LAAS is a great place to learn, teach, and practice astronomy at all levels of sophistication and expertise.
Membership Tiers
Regular Adult Membership - $40/year
This is the standard individual "adult" membership for all persons from 18 to 64 years of age. Includes one name tag to identify you as a LAAS member at star parties and other LAAS events.
Senior Membership - $30/year
This is the standard individual "retired" membership for all persons from 65 years of age on up. Includes one name tag to identify you as a LAAS member at star parties and other LAAS events.
Youth Membership - $20/year
This is the standard individual "youth" membership for all persons under 18 years of age. Includes one name tag to identify you as a LAAS member at star parties and other LAAS events.
Student Membership - $25/year
This is the standard individual "student" membership for all persons 18 years of age and over. Student membership is for current students for up to 5 years. Includes one name tag to identify you as a LAAS member at star parties and other LAAS events.
Family Membership - $55/year
This category allows everyone in the family to be a member. Includes two name tags to identify you as a LAAS member at star parties and other LAAS events. Additional name badges are available at $10/badge. All members of a family membership must reside at the same address.
Senior Family Membership - $40/year
This membership category is available to families where the primary member is 65 years of age or older. This category allows everyone in the family to be a member. Includes two name tags to identify you as a member LAAS events. Additional name badges are available at $10/badge. All members of a family membership must reside at the same address.
Life Membership - $500 one-time payment
For individuals only. This membership allows you to remain a member for the rest of your life and never pay dues again. Includes one name tag to identify you as a member at LAAS events.
Membership Upgrades
Griffith Observer Magazine
This is a monthly magazine published by the Griffith Observatory. It was established in 1937 and contains popular articles on astronomy and information about activities and events at the observatory. It is available to LAAS members at the discounted price of $10/year. (The normal price is $30/year if sent via first class mail).
Star Membership
Not Available to new members. This is an upgrade to existing membership levels available only to those who have been members in good standing for at least one year in one of the other membership categories. Star members have unrestricted access to our dark sky observing site and subject to availability, may reserve the same pad at the observing site. Dues are dues are $60/year without a pad, and $70/year with a pad, in addition to other membership dues. An application for Star Membership must be completed and endorsed by two current Star Members. The completed application, endorsements, and fees must be paid in order for the application to be voted on at the monthly Board of Directors Meeting. You can get endorsements by either having Star members sign the form or by having them send an endorsement via e-mail to the LAAS Secretary (secretary@laas.org). Contact the LAAS Secretary for additional information.
Annual Renewals:
Memberships are renewed annually and you should receive an invoice approximately 60 days before your renewal date. Members who are 60 days past their renewal date, will be moved to the inactive roster and removed from all mailing lists for announcements, discussion groups, and removed from the Griffith Observer subscription list (if selected). Also, inactive members will not be eligible to attend any of the Mt. Wilson observing sessions, cannot bring their telescopes to LAAS Star Parties at Griffith Observatory, attend the LAAS Dark Sky Site, or participate in other outreach activities. Inactive members may apply for reinstatement after they pay their dues and are approved by the LAAS Board of Directors.
LAAS Members are always available to help people learn how to use a new telescope or have an impromptu star party at the Garvey Ranch Observatory on Wednesdays from 7:30-10 PM.
Grinding a mirror at our Garvey Ranch Observatory workshop
LAAS Members share views through one of our telescopes at a Griffith Observatory Public Star Party
Setting up homemade Dob at a LAAS star party in the Lockwood Valley
Sunset at Griffith Observatory during a Public Star Party
LAAS members looking through 60 inch telescope at Mt. Wilson
Last look at a setting sun through a solar filter during a Public Star Party